The wall can be up to 4 squares high, and every square it occupies is heavily obscured, and blocks line of sight. The spell's effect is to conjure a wall of fog that lasts until the end of the caster's next turn. The spell Fog Cloud is similar as well, though of higher level, and is essentially the 3e version of the existing spell. A similar spell is the 1st-level obscuring mist spell, but as that spell creates a billowing cloud and not a shapeable wall, it is slightly different in nature. In third edition, and in Pathfinder, the Wall of Fog spell does not appear. A moderate wind halves the spell's duration, while a strong wind completely shreds the wall. The wall when created must be a roughly cubic or rectangular mass, at least 10 ft. The wall of misty vapors the spellcaster creates with this spell obscures all sight beyond 2', though the caster may create less vapor if they wish, improving the range of sight. The vapors persist for the duration of the spell, but can be blown away by a strong breeze (for instance, from a gust of wind spell). The wall fills a cube of 2" per side per level of the caster. The wall of misty vapors the spellcaster creates with this spell obscures all sight beyond 2'. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a pinch of split dried peas).The spell in AD&D is an Illusionist-exclusive spell. Dragon Magazine #12 indicates that the spell lasts for 3d4 turns after the Illusionist ceases concentration. The wall blocks vision and lasts until the caster ceases to concentrate on maintaining it. The wall can be a pane of up to 6" width and 2" height, or a circle with 3" diameter and 2" height. Dragon Magazine #12 preserved this spell on the Illusionist list, at 1st level. This spell is introduced along with the Illusionist in the Strategic Review 1-4.